Where i type the music
I'm listening to as I blog... yeah...
I'm cool.
Kids in Glass Houses - Young Blood (Let it Out)It's been an odd week. Some highs, some lows. I've not really been in the best mind set recently to be honest. I suppose in a way
I've been due.
Every thing's been so good for me these past few months it was bound to come crashing down. (still kind of in the negative mind set... is it that obvious?)
It's my birthday today by the way...
I'm 19 (that's
I've been working pretty much all week, well, I say all week... it was Tuesday to Saturday, that's still 5 days though right? So yeah, lets call it all week. I worked the first four days at Shake Away, two days with Liam and two days with
Prodigy (Pendulum remix) - Voodoo PeopleI expected that the two days I worked with Liam would end up being two nice, relaxed days, with decent music, not the stupid Shake Away play list and that my two days with
Amée would end up being slow, tedious days with shite music. It actually turned out a lot differently... I shall elaborate;
Amée was in a good mood for once, she didn't tell me off for anything and we listened to some pretty good music, we even had fun. We had a competition to see who could come up with the worst song... I won. I picked the
Numa Numa song. You all know it... you're imagining the fat bloke doing the dance
aren't you? yeah you are... Anyway... Tuesday with Liam was also a good laugh, some old friends came in to say hello, and Liam didn't play loads of
emo rubbishy music. Friday however, he did play lots of
emo rubbishy music, we didn't end up leaving the shop till 7 because of a cashing up cock up (i must point out, it wasn't his fault) and it was also super busy, and Liam is easily distracted.
So now you're starting to get a taster of my up and down week. This was just for starters.
Arctic Monkeys - Teddy PickerA few weeks ago I decided to make a
facebook event for my 19
th birthday drinks. I invited about 30 odd people, and began to get pretty excited about the event... 12 people said yes... and as this week has progressed more and more people contacted me saying they couldn't make it... even more didn't bother to reply at all... this didn't exactly make me feel special... (yes i now realise I was being extremely
ungrateful to the 20 or so people who did actually show up in the end, I Love You ALL... especially Zoe... but at the time I was like "brill... no body loves me")
This whole shitty business came to a head yesterday day time... the day of the event. I had been up since 5am for work at
Waitrose and felt like shite, so was NOT looking forward to the night at all... oh yeah, then i spilled red hair dye all over the bathroom floor, so Mum now hates me.
Michael Jackson - Can You Feel It?In the end, the night was fabulous, everyone who came are absolute stars and I finished the night with
KFC in bed, so all in all a good birthday eve drinking
Today was my actual birthday, I say was because it's over in 20 minutes :( I went for lunch with my family and Luke and it was amazing, had a huge roast and the pub sang happy birthday to me which was lovely, the pub last night did that as well, I seem to attract drunk people and singing!
This section is dedicated to Luke
coz he's awesome:
Luke really has been a star this week, completely trying to make me feel better about the whole birthday night out thing, plus my general negative feelings. He's a fab boyfriend and I couldn't ask for better to be honest.
It's red and purple stripes and has a hood and matching socks that say FUN on the bottom. It's amazing.
I apologise for the complete rambles of this blog, it's pretty
erratically written... but
i'm tired, and have a very random thought pattern... There are probably lots more things I should have mentioned, but I cannot be bothered to go into detail about them now, so
here's some bullet points!
- Going out for purple rain pitchers with Abi and Emma on Monday and them both being obscenely drunk... and me being sober
- Emma hiding from my mum under my bed and saying she wasn't hiding... she just really liked that bit of carpet
- My last day at Waitrose, they bought me a bottle of wine from Fish Hoek bay in South Africa, it has a fish on the bottle... very appropriate me thinks!
- My Nana's birthday, eating SO much Chinese and then seeing The Kings Speech, which is sooooo good and Colin Firth is still yummy even though he's old now.
- My sister coming back from Bristol after living there for like 6 months.
On an appropriate note:
Fall Out Boy - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs.
Right, I'm off. I blog soon.
S'laters x